The following is an actual conversation recorded yesterday via phone:
Chen: Chen's Garden How can I help you
Joel: Hello? I'd like to order some delivery?
Chen: Okay
Joel: One large #609, Beef with Black Bean Garlic Sauce?
Chen: #609
Joel: But could you substitute the beef with dick?
Chen: Dick
Joel: Yes, please. Lots of dick. No beef.
Chen: Beef dick
Joel: No, you stupid fucking chink. Just dick.
Chen: Racist
Joel: Whatever, Chairman Mao. How much?
Chen: Small or large
Joel: LARGE DICK, you slant-eyed FOB.
Chen: What is fob
Joel: FRESH OFF THE BOAT. Learn your goddamned racial slurs!!!!
Joel: Hello? Hello? I'm sorry Chen! Chennnnnnnnnnnnnn!
(pictured above, Margaret Powell from Houston wins $6000 when she solves the phrase "PAT A DUCK, JOWL" )
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