(The following is the third entry of the popular series by guest writer Joe Nudelman – don't laugh.)
Local Heroes: Sue McCloskey
Today we remember those brave souls who gave their lives for the benefit of others. Little (or ‘whittle’ as she was often called) Sue McCloskey died tragically as she tried to save, unsuccessfully, her whittle wed twicycle from being run over by the big bad garbage truck.

These words were over heard at her funeral yesterday:
“What? Hmm..? Oh, I was here to visit my dear aunt. But that’s terrible.”
- John Borden, Town Mayor
“I like tricycles”
- Karl Johnson, CEO Tricycles Inc.
“What the hell do we need garbage trucks for anyways?”
-Karen McCloskey, Sue’s Mother
“I’m not dead, I’m really okay. No, really… I mean my leg’s broke, but I’m fine”
Sue McCloskey, 1996 – 2007
Tis a sad day indeed. Sue was an active member in the local community, contributing to local establishments such as Ron’s Big Time Candy Shoppe and Auto Detail, and Family Video with earnest. Karen and Arnold, Sue’s bereaved parents, have opened up a charity in memory of their sweet sweet wittle baby waby Sue.
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