Monday, May 14, 2007

Is that a Joel in your pocket, or are you just happy to eat dick?

Joel has always been a big proponent of dick-eating. But not everyone is as fortunate as Joel.

In some impoverished parts of the country, there are people who eat only 2 or 3 dicks A MONTH. That amounts to fewer than 30 dicks a year, which is far below the dickpoverty line. Joel has started a grassroots community outreach program called Joel's Seriously Huge Dick In Po' Folks' Unwashed Mouths For Charity Foundation in his hometown Los Angeles. Since its inception in 2002, over four dozen outreach centers have blossomed into full campuses with working toilets and dick cafeterias. Joel's proud, smug grin beams from huge billboards across the street from these centers, proclaiming "If You Broke, You Gonna Still Eat Dick, Y' Herre?" And while many of these centers have closed due to asbestos or goat infestations, Joel has remained a symbol of putting dick on poor families' tables.

(pictured above, a rare and beautiful thing: Pro-establishment vandalism)

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