So I had to take a George while at Pathmark the other week (don't ask), and I spotted a stray butcher sticker inside the stall:
Now, I don't need to tell you this is disgusting on a couple of levels here:
• that somebody saw fit to bring unpaid merchandise into a bathroom stall • that the item they saw fit to bring into the poop stall was apparently RAW MEAT • that the sticker itself doesn't specify anything beyond "MEAT" with "ALL THE INGREDIENTS"
"The S.Y.C. (Street Youth Core) BoiS are a punk rock band from southern california. There are three members Bucky, Chris, and Eddie. We are rock and roll. Punk rock is what we are about. 'Shave your head and die your hair, safety pins right through your ears'."
But a quick search for them on YouTube or myspace revealed nothing. Are they disbanded?
How Many Robots Have You Killed Today Babe? Stickers spotted around Manhattan.
Anti-technology artist's rant or obscure quote from SyFy series?
This is actually a reference to a Haitian photographer's Tumblr page. The Brooklyn-based photographer (and writer) Richard Louissaint sells books of his photography and even runs his own blog. Neat.
Slopness Monster: Sticker spotted in Austin, TX.
Skateboarding company or web comic?
Turns out is a multi-city, multi-campus website devoted to displaying photos of drunk hi-jinks like puking or passing out, offering pithy captions like "Trunk Limbo" or "My Bunny."
Run From Popo is some kind of paintball tournament in urban settings which oddly (but awesomely) requires the people who play as "popo" to have served in a military, police, security or law enforcement job and the people who play as "criminals" to have really been arrested once.
Looks pretty harmless, seeing how the "criminals" dress in cartoony striped fatigues. Still, someone could really get shot.
If you're a fan of Lil' Wayne or terrible hip hop, you may know that "Weezy" has over the years covered himself in all matter of tattoos. But probably less famous than his "Fear" and "God" eyelid tats or black teardrops are the following tattoos and their locations:
An ad in SkyMall sells a new digital camera that you can hang or stand up to film you and your friends.
But this one use in particular piqued my interest:
Sweet! Sex tape! Looks like Jay Baruchel is getting lucky tonight!
So that photo has me wondering several things:
1) Does that (admittedly hot) girl know that her skeez boyfriend is filming them macking? Or will she find out later that footage of him tweaking her nips is now on YouPorn?
2) Is it actually her camera, and she's secretly filming them to prove that Chad Kregne is a date rapist just like the graffiti in the women's locker room says?
3) If that camera were self-aware and lonely, wouldn't this scenario be the cruelest of all fates?
I was at the car rental in Chicago, and I spotted this display ad for Kia cars:
Okay, a pretty run-of-the-mill ad of a guy jumping over a sedan. But then I looked closer:
Is that guy *in* the car with his head poking out of the sunroof? You certainly can't see that guy's feet behind the car.
What's amazing is that they took the time to retouch a reflection of the basketball in the windshield, but they left that guard sitting there like he's wearing the car like a barrel. Or is he on his knees, sticking out of the trunk?
1) Learn how to make the classic kick drum {b}, hi-hat {t} and classic snare drum {p} or {pf}.
2) Combine the three sounds into an 8-beat such as this: { b t pf t / b t pf t } or {b t pf t / b b pf t }
3) Concentrate on getting the timing right. If you make a mistake, keep going, do not stop or pause.
4) Start off slowly and build up speed once you can do the 8-beat without losing timing.
When you start getting really good, start the t sound b sound and the pft sound; they are the simplest beat boxing techniques!
And speaking of getting really good, I once parallel parked my Mercedes GL stretch limousine right on Flatbush Avenue in the rain. Now you tell me I didn't deserve that $50 tip that day!
Lobsterfest® at Red Lobster seems to drag out longer than the Vietnam conflict, except with much more delicious, scrumptious morsels of melt-in-your mouth lobster meat. We at Red Lobster still have yet to hit a wall when it comes to inventing new ways to sucker you morons into our restaurant. Here now are the latest ploys we've concocted:
• We partner with the Hollywood actress Emily Blunt (or is it Ellen Page? The one in that thriller movie with the guns) to promote nightly fun lobster events at the restaurant. A different dipping sauce is featured for Ellen to dip lobster bits as she recites lines from her memorable role. That there is somewhat of a way to enjoy lobster at Lobsterfest® at Red Lobster, right? No?
• The entire waitstaff pretends not to speak any English. When you order anything but lobster on the menu, we all get excited, do a (clearly Mexican-based) dance around your table and serve up lobster anyway. If you want to complain to our manager, he rides out on a burro wearing bullet bandoliers and an offensively large sombrero on his head and says, "Que?" ¡Es otra forma de disfrutar de langosta en Lobsterfest® en Red Lobster!
• Hey, you sci-fi geeks! July is our special Red Lobster Lobsterfest® For Vulcans! During this month we wear those pointy Spock ears and act all logical or whatever. We also do that Klingon greeting like, "Live Long And Prosper" and pretend to do that crazy Vulcan sleep hold on your shoulder! LOL! Oh, we also charge you an extra $35.00 fee for all the trouble. Now, there right there is one hell of a way to enjoy lobster at Lobsterfest® at Red Lobster!
• If somehow through some failure in logistics, we actually run out of lobster, we'll close. That unfortunately is one of the possible ways to enjoy lobster at Lobsterfest® at Red Lobster!
• There's this guy named Yancey (not sure if it's his first or last name) who comes around the restaurant with homemade clocks that he carves from driftwood. Now, I enjoy his eccentricities as much as the next guy, but if he comes around the restaurant again trying to sell that shit of his during business hours, you guys have to make sure to escort him out. I'm not standing for any solicitation in the restaurant– yes, I understand Yancey's a nice old man and all that, Carol. But if you do nothing and just let him walk around inside this place of business selling his stupid nonworking clocks, I swear to God I'm going to fire the lot of you. Yes, that's one more way to enjoy lobster at Lobsterfest® at Red Lobster!
Brand: Monogram Embossed Bathroom Tissue Label: Generic yellow stripe to tell the ladies to wipe their pee with it Feels Like: Wearing a thong made of heated rope
Brand: Cormatic 2-Ply White Bath Tissue Label: Reassuring script initial cap Feels Like: Waterboarding your anus
Brand: Bath Tissue Label: Odd of using a working URL in the actual product; Feather in the Q Feels Like: your with an actual