Thursday, November 29, 2007

A Gross Mystery. Part 2: Gross Harder

As of this writing, those nasty finger or toenails are still on Beth's office floor.

For comparison's sake, here's Lorraine's nails:

And an attempt was made at a meeting to capture Beth's. This proved very challenging because Beth talks with her hands all the time. Annoying.

But we finally got a shot.

Joanne (not pictured yet) thinks somebody came in and clipped their nails in Beth's office. Others (me) think Beth did. Tom has a third theory:

"They might have been there since she moved in, depending on how often they vacuum around here."

To further add to the confusion, here's a picture of an apple in the toilet:

What do you think, faithful EADJ reader?

**Sort of update**

Tom: "i just went up to bstone's and realized it would be weird for her to clip her nails in her office's guest chair, thus all but ruling out beth as a possible suspect"


Anonymous said...

of course tom stood up for beth. no surprise there.

Anonymous said...

and where's o'shanigan? we could really use a song about this.

Estoye said...

Shut up.

Sir Smellsalot said...

I stand for truth, period. Verizon FiOS is the best TV picture, period. Also, I figure since the clippings are on the other side of her desk, it would be odd for her to clip her nails from the office desk chair, semicolon.

Anonymous said...

she clips or BITES them. they land on her desk. she softly blows them onto the floor. case closed. full stop. now get a room.

Anonymous said...

and you, shut up.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

no. you shut up. all the way to the core, baby. bathwater. boo ya!

Anonymous said...

You want a piece of me? I will drop you like a bag of mulch.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

now shut up or i'll take a bite out a ya.

Anonymous said...

You mess with the apple in the toilet, you get the stem