Tuesday, November 6, 2007

My Joel Overfloweth.

Some selections from Joel's suggestion box posted outside the apartment complex clubhouse:

Hey Joel, how about not eating dick so late in the night by the pool. Some people on the ground floor are trying to sleep!

Joel– i am a 42 year old mother of 2. Your activites are inappropriate for young children, so I am having them sent to their grandmother. Now I can party with you, hot body!

my name is Queromo. i from venezuelan. you eat my dick last saturday and now i hab silverfish in my home. you should bathe

HeyJoel: How about Yoohoo in the vending machines? I know the machines aren't refrigerated, but i don't think Yoo Hoo needs to be refrigerated, does it? Please? Or are you not even in charge of the drink machines? Fuck off!


Hello. My name is Andrew Gall. No suggestion here. Porkchop sandwiches! Look at all your different colored hats!

(pictured above, Tom Weingard goes window shopping)


Anonymous said...

is tom kosher?

Anonymous said...

it tom taken?

Anonymous said...

is tom flirty?

Estoye said...

1) No.

2) I don't think so.

3) I Guess. You ask him.

Anonymous said...

which way does tom swing?

Sir Smellsalot said...

1.) i ate a pickle today, but i ate it with a ham sandwich.

2.) i got taken for a ride in the subway just this morning.

3.) flirty is my 6th middle name.

4.) i swing for the fences from the right side of the plate, but my grooved golf swing tends to cause an uppercut that leads to way too many popups.

Anonymous said...

tom, want to go golfing? i'd like to stroke a few balls with you.

Sir Smellsalot said...

i respectfully decline your golfing offer.

Anonymous said...

I once wrote a song for Clarence Clemons. He never called me back.