Intrigue. Alliances. Clouds. A huge cast. Ingredients for a sappy soap, an award-winning sci-fi series, and a very healthy game of Who Farted? You know, I'd go so far as to say that
B.S.G. makes for better games of Who Farted than most soap opera cast shots.
For this installment, we asked Andrew Gall to play, then we'd compare notes. Our notes are in parentheses.

There are a TON of suspects here.
From L to R
Looks perturbed, if not pissed. Not him.
(Admiral Adama's nostrils flare from disappointment, yet he keeps his chin up, braving the cirrus fart cloud above him)
Her wide-eyed innocence portrays possible guilt. She's a definite candidate.
(Boomer keeps a neutral stance. Agreed)
His farts smell awful. This is the look he's used to giving. But I don't
think it's him this time.
(An unkempt, greasy Baltar = high fart possibities)
She's hard to read. If she farted, it's a nice poker face. I'd say the odds are 70/30 against it being her.
(Starbuck doesn't even know what's going on. She's looking for her other friends)
Ding ding ding. We have a winner. He's trying to close his eyes and forget the whole sordid scene. This is fart public enemy #1. Unless he's just grimacing from the asian chick's trouser cough.
(I agree that Lee Adama looks very guilty here, but more from trying to hide than from closing his eyes. But I don't think it's him)
At first glance, she seems like a candidate. But I doubt it. She just looks more fed up at the situation than anything else. She's about to shake her head and say, "not again you guys."
(Passive-aggressive disappointment is a major weapon in President Laura Roslin's arsenal– pun intended)
This is confusing. Is this woman turned on by farts? She seems to be. I don't think she did it, but the whole thing seems to be affecting her positively. It's an outlook I've wanted all my life.
(I think it's dead-on guilt she's displaying. Her seductive expression does nothing to hide the fact that she let an air biscuit leave the docking station. So it's her)
Here's another excellent example of
B.S.G.'s fantastic Who Farted compositions:

Who do
you think farted, class?