Brand: Isabel 500
Label: A dove flying over a bunch of white flowers.
Feels Like: Giving up the Holy Ghost.
Brand: Aero Soft 2-Ply Bath Tissue
Label: Pleasant script typeface, blue marble-y textured background.
Feels Like: Actually wiping your ass with crumbled marble.
Brand: PRECIOUS Facial Quality 500 Two-Ply
Label: Gollum-green label. Background that resembles the dark clouds over Mount Doom.
Feels Like: Destroying my "One Ring" in molten lava.
Brand: North River
Label: Unassuming yellowish beige-y color.
Feels Like: Wiping with a dead mule's crumbling dick.
Brand: "Bath Tissue"
Label: What appears to be football field yard lines.
Feels Like: Your asshole getting tackled by that kid from "The Blind Side."
Brand: Sofitelle Soft & Absorbent
Label: Named after a high class hotel where a maid got raped
Feels Like: Getting raped by Dominique Strauss-Kahn, the head of the IMF
Label: Mysterious initials, a heart, and also flowers stolen from the Isabel 500 label.
Feels Like: Burns like a M.F. right in the A-hole.
Brand: Quali-T Toilet Tissue
Label: A masculine blue label with an industrial logo
Feels Like: Straddling a pro-wrestler's belt
Brand:Preferred Plus Bathroom Tissue, Single Roll
Label: A yellow puddle overlapping a blue puddle. Is that supposed to be piss?
Feels Like: Wiping with your child's treasured origami collection
Brand: Mancini Trading Plush 2-Ply Soft Bathroom Tissue
Label: What appears to be a cherry hanging from some wheat. Great God.
Feels Like: Exactly that. Wiping with a stalk of wheat with a cherry hanging from it.
Brand: WS500 Soft & Lush Bath Tissue
Label: The Windows 7 Desktop Photo, and a very friendly brand name.
Feels Like: You're not really trying to wipe your ass.
"Luxurious and Embossed!"
Brand: Bay West
Label: As generic as they get
Feels Like: Michael Bay exploding your anus with C4 strapped to paper
Brand: Generic Seattle-scene Grunge Toilet Paper
Label: None. They reject labels.
Feels Like: Wiping with Eddie Vedder's old burlap poncho
Brand: Windsoft
Label: Flowing blue graphics, and the promise of "A Touch of Tenderness"
Feels Like: That goddamn toilet paper was lying.
Brand: Optima Double Soft Floral Embossed Bath Tissue
Label: Green marble. Like that lobby in "The Matrix"
Feels Like: Accidentally sitting on a knife
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