EADJ has just learned that Jerald Johnson, the dude heavily documented in previous entries, has finally CONTACTED TOM WEINGARD!
The email reads as follows:
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jerald Johnson
Date: Thu, May 8, 2008 at 11:48 AM
Subject: [techpro] Where are you
To: txxhpro@mail.msny.o
I'd like to add you to my travel network on WAYN
Here is the link: http://www.wayn.com/waynsplash.html?wci=register_details

The repercussions of opening this line of communication have yet to be fathomed. Think tanks around the globe are discussing what Tom's next move should be.
No word yet on whether Tom has clicked on the link to add Jerald Johnson as a friend. Tom's only comment so far: "freaking great."
Stay tuned to EADJ in the coming hours for the latest Jerald Johnson developments.
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