Brand: Maverick 1 Ply (!) Bathroom Tissue
Brand Imagery: A horse rampant near a mountain range.
Brand Promise: Adventure and excitement of the great outdoors.
Brand Reality: The name "Maverick" promises a rough and rugged, relentless pounding between the legs as you ride into the sunset.
Brand: Classique
Brand Imagery: A "classy" typeface and some swash decorations.
Brand Promise: A touch of class.
Brand Reality: Possible pink spots from a chafed anus.
Brand: Reliance
Brand Imagery: Ornate floral pattern.
Brand Promise: Go-to reliability and comfort.
Brand Reality: 50/50 chance of getting poop on your manicure.
Brand: Kleenex (Exported to New Zealand) with "luxury embossing"
Brand Imagery: Kleenex logo and a butterfly.
Brand Promise: All the luxury and comfort that you've come to love from the American brand.
Brand Reality: We save the good stuff for the fatasses at home.
Brand: Candlewood Facial Quality Bathroom Tissue
Brand Imagery: A silhouetted tree on a green-to-mauve gradient.
Brand Promise: Aromatic, natural spa-level comfort.
Brand Reality: Feels like you're trying on a thong made from fiberglass insulation.
Brand: Captiva Plush 1-Ply Soft Bathroom Tissue
Brand Imagery: A bizarre tornado-looking thing with bubbles.
Brand Promise: A fascinating whirlwind of softness.
Brand Reality: A tasmanian devil clawing and screaming at your cornhole.
Brand: Everest
Brand Imagery: Mount Everest.
Brand Promise: A refreshing, cool adventure for the senses.
Brand Reality: Actually, a pretty good flag to mark your accomplishments.
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