"Edible candy that doubles as a pot pipe? How does it work?" Well, dummy, first you pack your weed into the bowl, then you light the bowl and smoke it, then you get super-high, and start coming up with ridiculous ideas like "Hey, man, what if this pipe were made of candy, then we could start selling it and actually make rent this month?" Then you eat the candy pipe and wonder why it tastes burnt.

While I applaud the entrepreneurial spirit of marketing a new invention, I can't get over how utterly stupid this Lollipipe thing is. It seems marketed to those kids young enough to still enjoy candy but are old enough to start trying drugs; basically it's people who wear pacifiers to raves, and didn't everyone stop doing that after 1999? Shit.
I guess the ONE good thing about Lollipipes is that if you eat enough of them, you'll get a big enough cavity in one of your teeth so you can hide your stash in it.

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