A short list of phrases I'd like to see typeset in Curlz:
Signature of parents required for abortion patients under 18
Rated R for Graphic Violence, Nudity and Frightening Images
Death to America
May contain nuts
Senior Thesis by Joel Thomas
Yeah. Whatever. I've seen this headline before. Show me something new. Interview me for g-d sakes. Interview me! Interview me. Find me! Find me! Hold me. Touch me. Tell me that you love me. Or just go on showing me curlz every other day. Nice one buddy.
marshall mathers.
and the black cloak of lolly joy rand.
bad name for an album, but you know i'll buy it.
and if it's in curlz you know edsatvoiyde will show it.
hip! hip! hooray! monday! monday! it's gonna B a long commented day. if i have any say. work oh work just go away don't come back until at least tues or wedns or thurs or fri or a week from today.
the comment-tater has arrived. hot for tot!
bip bamboozle.
scoobydo and jessica's crack went to timbuktu.
invited ryan and brad but didn't invite you.
hand over the do-re-mi. fa si lotto.
i won! i won! vince had to wear sally pants! that was a hoot.
you should have heard all the kids screaming. sally pants! sally pants!
it was enough to bring a grown man to tears, even if he wasn't wearing sally pants.
Actually, the headline "Curlz! Curlz! Curlz!" has never been used before. So there.
De do do do, de da da da
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