Friday, December 7, 2018

25 Days of Hallmark Movies, Day 7: "The Sons of Mistletoe"

After yesterday's intolerable parade of rich white people problems, I decided to do something different than the standard boy-meets-girl romance bullshit. "The Sons of Mistletoe" is the standard learning-the-meaning-of-Christmas bullshit instead. 

A foster home for boys is in danger of being closed when its benefactor dies, and the mentor to the boys must convince the benefactor's daughter not to sell the property for condos. Or the Fox News translation: A government moocher begs a job creator to sacrifice her potential profits to selfishly provide for himself and a handful of ungrateful youth who are already a strain on the welfare system.


Romance Factor: 3 out of 10
Christmas Cheer: 7 out of 10
Overall Rating: 5 out of 10
Time Until First Kiss: 01:29:09

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