Drink more water!
That's what many health officials keep telling us. Drinking more gives us healthy skin, flushes toxins, improves joints and muscles, and keeps us energized and alert. Joel knows this, which is why he chugs 8 gallons of water every three hours along with the massive amount of dick he eats.
Joel's skin is so supple, so smooth, and so touchable now that you just want to caress it with the back of your hand, then slap the living shit out of it to see if it reddens. Believe me, it does!
Joel is virtually toxin free. Although whatever toxins other dudes eat do end up in Joel's system once he eats their dicks. But by then it's pretty watered down.
Joel's joints and muscles are healthy and strong. Just yesterday he cracked a pecan with his toe knuckles, then balanced a wedge of brie in his butt crack.
Energized and alert? Hell yeah, Joel is! He is bright-eyed and bushy-tailed at the crack of 6am every morning! Cock benedict, anyone! Huzzah!
(pictured above: a bad typeface, a dumb game, and possible cosplay all intersect in the perfect storm of awfulness)
blogSPOT. SPOTted dick. blahahahahahah!!! the masked maruader strickes again! woo hoo! woop de do! estoye likes when people kicked in head wit a shoe.
Hi Amy.
looks like you have a high opinion of amy, assuming it's her based on a myriad of spelling mystakes and sexual inyouendo. maybe someone named david has a little crushy crush on someone name burk(broke my)heart? or maybe it's a simple case of minomenia with a side order of spatzle and sirloin tendors with mel's mr. sandwich shop that was done on the sly on the down lo on the dillo armadillo arm a dillo. baby be bad. baby be good.
I used to eat spatzle with a pint of Guinness at my neighborhood pub in Dublin.
Don't even ask what Joel ate in Dublin. Yadontwannaknow.
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