Tuesday, December 3, 2024

I Have Questions.

I spotted this promo for a new talk show on Tubi featuring football great Deion "Primetime / Neon Deion" Sanders.

The poster doesn't reveal a ton of information, so I have questions:

"The talk show you didn't know you needed" Why? Is the format refreshingly different? Weather forecasts featuring a koala? Topless cooking segments?

• I'm guessing Deion has interviewed people before, having hosted NFL broadcasts and whatnot. But who are he and his cohost interviewing? Reality stars? Retired football players and their wives? Other Sanders?

• Does the title "We Got Time Today" give us any clues? It's a daily talk show with extra time for in depth interviews? Are there no commercial breaks because it's broadcast on Tubi? What the shit is Tubi, anyway? Questions.

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