Monday, December 9, 2024

Surprises From the Consumer Electronics Show 2024

Last weekend the Consumer Electronics Show was held in a Marriott in the Midwest (don't ask where), and exhibitors announced some pretty eyebrow-raising new product launches. Here are some of them:

• A riding blow dryer

• A vacuum cleaner that looks like a Dyson but is somehow more expensive and more British

• Wearable LCD cloth technology that lets you wear a shirt playing "90 Day Fiancé" episodes on your chest and back

• A bouncy castle outfitted with a humidifier so your kids can work themselves into an asthmatic frenzy and then lie down and recover

• A manipulative new AI that badmouths Siri to Alexa and vice versa

• Shoulder mounted missile launchers that destroy anyone who tries to spoil "Severance" for you

• A supercomputer that could easily beat anyone at chess but just doesn't want to

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