Friday, October 26, 2007

Oh My Shit. ‡‡‡‡BREAKING SFVOSP NEWS!!!!‡‡‡‡

Last night, at exactly 7:43 pm, Emily Sander and Emily Kane spotted the Shorter, Fatter Version of Scott Peterson!

"It was so amazing," Emily Sander texted, "Kane and I passed him on Michigan and then ran him down."

Sander and Kane's encounter has ended weeks of feverish speculation that Mister Wood had left his job at Adminastar Federal on the 22nd floor to pursue a career in fashion design or catty celebrity blogging. His last spotting was on Sept 25 by Phil Flicklicker.

This marks the first time in EADJ history that TWO people have spotted him together! The photograph above is only icing on the shorter, fatter cake. EADJ has seen fit to award both Emilies the coveted Platinum Mollusk Award for this watershed moment. Emily Sander's name has also been added to the list at the bottom of this page, under the shitty dartboard game.

Meanwhile, poor Vince has never seen the SFVOSP. Somebody help him!


  1. best post eva!!!!!!!!!! and you appear to have listened to my comments below. right-o good man. you're serving this blog and its loyal readers proud. righty-ho. tally-ho. and all that jazz. two emily's. E squared. coolio to the max. they two foxy numbers. but one plus one don't equal jessica. now crack that whip! sign it in hand language SHORTER! yall scream "shorter" FATTER! yall scream "fatter" VERSION! yall scream version. well you get da gist. rock it baby's rock it loud and clear! sfvosp is here!!! whoop! whoop! toot-a-loo just not in toucan's loo! hahahahahahaha lol rotfl

  2. Just to reiterate,

    whomever anonymous is, it's not me.


  3. not true. don't believe a word.

  4. wo. calm down tiger. that's the second time in two posts estoye. why the agression? janine out of town?

  5. So much pain. Fightin' for no reason. Why won't more people listen to me and Bono?

  6. The NONE Pizza with Left Beef is Hilarious.

  7. not as hilarious. high larry liss. hi larry liss! hahahah hahahah lol rotfl ya gotta love it! gotta love it! rock on superslickband. and give us more of these great posts estoye-man. you really had a good one here. the two emilies. emily dous. menards duo two emily. they the bomb. they single handedly make kramer k the place to be and a joy for those of us who choose to stay. let's get an amen for them. and for tom lick. and for ayana pee. they da bombs too. two bombs and two bombs is four bombs that we love. now who wins the flowers this week? gotta love it. gotta love it. happy beautifulicious weekend to all you lovers and all you brothers and all you sisters and all your misters and all your mothers and all your fathers and all you missus and from me comes nothing buy K-I-S-S-isis. boo ya! to the double E.

  8. someone should publish a book of EADJ comments.

  9. That book would be read even less than this shitty blogue.

  10. For the record, sander (no s) and I passed the sfvosp across from the wrigley building (you know, near that square where that dude always plays the same two songs on his sax?), PASSED him, THEN RAN BACK AN ENTIRE CITY BLOCK TO PASS HIM AGAIN so we could take this monumental documentation of his life outside of the elevator bank at 225 M. Michigan. Mollusk award, my ass. Someone should be soldiering something new as we speak.

  11. Hey, you skinny ingrate.

    The Platinum Mollusk Award is the HIGHEST distinction you can earn in EADJ.

    So enjoy, dammit.

  12. are you related to adam sandler?

  13. actually, admantanium mollusk is the highest. i should know.

  14. you should know. like a piece of toast knows butter. boo ya. keepin it real like cheese and tomata sauce on veal.

  15. now i'm confused. is adamantium the highest or is admantium the highest? we are getting differing opinions here and i know estoye can set us straight and narrow like a wheel on a barrow.

  16. neither. niether. either. iether. it's admantanium damnat!

  17. you're all bullocks.

  18. i didn't say that. someone else did. i'm the real anonymous one. no fakers. no haters. only love sweet love.

  19. I'm the real anonymous. You other anonymouses are just imitating.

  20. here we go again. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. i'm the winner! yipee yabadabadoo. f
