Sunday, October 28, 2007

How the "Door Prizes" Cavalcade of Crap looks now.

Chicago EADJ reporter Vince was good enough to take a recent picture of the Door Prize cabinet in the Creative Department Annex. As you can see, there is still plenty of booty to be pilfered and gotten rid of.

A "mint in box" mop

A Triumph the Insult Comic Dog doll that still works. Too bad what it says isn't as funny as on the show. Vince now has this on his desk.

An impromptu memorial to Dan Consiglio and beans.

Jingoism for your infant.

And although it appears the cabinet is becoming filled to capacity, luckily there is additional storage space:


  1. unior designers my ars. spell check david. spell check. but gottahandittoya for listening to the peanut gallerist and putting in some good ol CK action. jessice and the cabinet o' fun all in one morning. gotta love it. gotta love it. bring it on baby. we're ah waitin'

  2. nice throat. where do i get me one of those?

  3. I once wrote a song about a girl's throat.

  4. there was a girl so beautiful. yodellaymedown. there was a girl with feet of gold and lovely toe. there was a girl i loved so dear her throat was big and round. and through the glory hole i placed a potato she did found. yodellaymedown yodellaymego. yodel yodel me do!

  5. Yoda'll love that song.
