Thursday, October 25, 2007

Who Farted? Special Soon-To-Be Cancelled Show With Confusing Title Edition

Okay, let's get down to business. Lots to see here. Finally, a "Who Farted?" with some actual setting, instead of seamless colored backgrounds. Look at that awesome Golden Gate Bridge, and better yet, look at that huge yellowy cloud of ass that was dropped right on the Bay! So let's go left to right here:

Poor man's Alfre Woodard obviously did NOT fart. Her sense of disgust and outrage is almost all up in your face. Dial it down, woman, I'm just asking!

Watered down Leah Remini (look it up) brings nothing to the table. A casual viewer would suggest that she's in the back because she's hiding something. Stupid amateur!

So either someone simply photoshopped Kirsten Dunst's head onto the real actress here, or they're wearing an officially-licensed Spider-Man 3 mask available at Halloween Blowout at your local strip mall. I don't think she farted. Although I do imagine Kirsten Dunst's farts to smell pretty rank.

This was an easy one. Front and center. Not only does she look guilty, she has her ass shooting through the crime tape! The posterior version of the smoking gun. Literally. Nice badge placement too, lady.

Overall Who Farted Factor: 8 out of 10. It's a wonderful composition, with just a few points off for obviousness.

1 comment:

  1. apparently jessica now has buck teeth now. this is in reference to the top most link over there on the right and not in reference to this lame post. these things are better when you ain't going to far out of your way to be funny or witty or what have you. and office pics are da bomb. especially of these new people but would be nice to get some good old ck pics going again. yall folks spread out so much. howz about a feature where the old gang takes pics at the same time of day from wherever they are. you'll get you with the toucan. jon with the double-d and b. brad at the young and the restless. and whoever else wherever else from california all on up the west coast to some east coast and middle west and damn all it would be fine shindig you'd be having. or lets do a look alike contest where you find and photograph people at toucan cleric who look like people at ck and we'll have to guess who is who in the comments now that would be a real humdinger. now take this advice or leave it. all i trying to do is help out because the last good post was the one with the red hot bodies but it stayed up here for much too long and been replaced by lame after lame. gotta get your groove back. like stella. you gotta breath. and listen. and live. you got it going on boy. now it's time for the world to know it and eadj is your portal to that great big awe inspiring world that is waiting for you to step in and caress it. your girl knows what i mean. now let's make sure everyone else does too. you are the bomb boy. really the bomb. you are smooth as silk and about half as slim. now rock out with you eadj out!
