Monday, October 29, 2007

Jessica Trouble

Jessica lost her Blackberry today. So that blows.
If you know Jessica and would like to give her your number, send it to Warning: this is her work email, so if your domain name is anything like or, it will probably be blocked.

(pictured above, a photo from last year where Jessica and Michelle went to a Jamiroquai concert at the Congress Theatre, only to find it completely dark and empty. Turns out the show was the NIGHT BEFORE! Yaaaaaaay!)

1 comment:

  1. this is not nearly as sexy a throat shot as the one below. but still, a throat shot is a throat shot and ya gotta love davey for supplying us with ample throat shots today. now if only tomorrow we'd have one with the exubarance of this with the girth of that, now that would be heaven with a capital D.
