Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Let's Break The Twist Cap Off The EADJ Mail Sack!

A couple of recent entries have documented a tooth with teeth and a hand with (ball) hands. 

Andrew and Megan Gall have discovered and submitted what they believe is a third for this distinguished series: a drawing of Colonel Sanders feeding chicken to chickens:


Very horrifying. But before we posted this as an official third to the series, we ran this entry by the EADJ Anthropomorphism Judge Panel. What did they have to say about this entry?

Donatello Gru-Gru: "While I applaud the 'meta' quality of the piece, I just don't think that this can stand in the same category as the two other abominations. Good effort, though."

  Alamance Condidor: "I can't say enough good things about this entry. It's composed well, it's delicious looking, and I really enjoy sickly jade green. But I'm going to have to say 'no' to this being in the same style as a Tooth With Teeth or your Hand With (Ball) Hands. Sorry."

 S. Kelvin Turnless: "So many questions. Is he really feeding chicken to those oversized chickens? Is the Colonel actually oblivious to the angry giant roosters behind him, about to peck the soul out of his decrepit carcass? Who the fuck holds a chicken leg like that? Oh... the question about whether it should be with the tooth and the hand... no. Just, no."

Sorry, Andrew and Megan. Thank you for entering the art piece for consideration, but our judges have spoken, and as much as we would like to, we cannot allow "The Colonel Feeding Chicken To Chickens" to be included in future displays alongside "Tooth Brushing Its Teeth" and "Hand With (Ball) Hands." You now owe us $50 for processing fees.

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