Monday, January 19, 2009

In A World...

One way to get around writing a clever tagline for a movie poster is to just go vague:

"Every war has a beginning."

"Freedom begins with an act of defiance."

What a cop out. Shit is interchangeable. You could swap the taglines for the two movies and no one would notice. "In space, nobody can hear you scream." Now that's a friggin' tagline that is ownable. Some suggestions for new taglines:

Underworld: Rise of the Lycans

"Some people are dog people."

"Teeth. Claws. Paws. War."

"This time, everyone's going for the jugular."

"They're taking their shots. AT EACH OTHER."


"Explosions! (And history)"

"They forced the Jews to rough it. And they HATE that."

"You don't need to be a hokey archaeologist to kick Nazi ass."

"They fought a tyranny just like the Ewoks fought the Imperials on the forest moon of Endor, except more historically."

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