Tuesday, January 20, 2009

And Now, Vince's Uncle Roberto with Presidential Inauguration Facts

Yeah, I don't know a ton about inaugurations, so I'm just gonna wing it, if that's okay:

Thomas Jefferson was the first President to be sworn in wearing a hat.

James Polk was sworn in on a copy of "Our Bodies, Ourselves."

Herbert Hoover won both a Strongest Man contest and a radio call-in competition the day before his inauguration.

The word "inauguration" means "hobo marriage" in Swahili.

Bill Clinton was inaugurated not on the Capitol steps but at a Caribou Coffee in Sioux Falls, South Dakota.

I'm gonna quit right there, because I feel foolish making this stuff up. I don't like pretending to know about something that I really don't. Like that time some dean for some university rode in my town car and started talking about the deficit. I started running my mouth and could tell in the rear view mirror that he wasn't buying it. That was an uncomfortable ride.

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