Monday, August 25, 2008

In Other Stupid News...

A little after the 10-minute mark into their broadcast, Channel 2 News turns totally retarded. As if somehow all the international goings on in Georgia, Pakistan, Zimbabwe, and even Denver are set aside for stories about bears wandering into barber shops or armadillos driving tractors. Like the guy in their news room is going, "Yeah, yeah, yeah Darfur whatever. Where's my segment about that four-eared Yoda cat?!"

One story that does bear mentioning involves these two teens in Jersey who decided to go vigilante on some drug dealers and dressed up as ninjas to drive them out of their neighborhood. Video clip:

This story is awesome on 4 counts:

1) Vigilante justice
2) Stupid teenagers
4) Jersey
5) Drug dealers who probably have guns in response to whatever shiruken or nunchuku those two boys might have brought to the party.
6) "Looking as ninja as possible."
7) The title "Ninja Enthusiast"

I know I said only 4, but fuck that. That shit is HOT. I officially do that thing where I punch my chest twice, kiss two fingertips, then make the peace sign for Tadeusz Pertkiewicz and Jesse Tronjaniak. Respeck.

Full story here.

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