Monday, August 25, 2008

Follow-Up To "Stupid News"

"Those weapons- they were just for show. They were there to make us look as 'ninja' as possible." - Jesse Tronjaniak

While this news story is still fresh in our minds (and hearts) a fair question to ask "ninja enthusiasts" Tadeusz Pertkiewicz and Jesse Tronjaniak would be, "What other weapons did you consider that didn't make you guys look 'ninja' enough?" The answers were surprising:

• Fanny pack
• Hummel "Milkmaiden" figurine
• Mylanta tablet bandoleer
• Jumbo book of difficult Sudokus
• Handful of cooked cous-cous
• Thighmaster, painted black
• Fan letter to Steven Seagal
• iPod shuffle full of Wu Tang Clan tunes
• Flaccid penis
• VHS copy of "Golden Girls, Season 2"
• Rag that smells vaguely of melon
• Assortment of D.A.R.E. pamphlets
• Garden weasel
• Elie Wiesel
• Coupon good for $5 off any regular size Pizza at Pizza Hut

(special shout out to J'Net for list idea)

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