Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Episode VI: The Return of the Joeli

One eagle-eyed EADJ reader pointed out that John Reid in the December 12 photo is wearing a spookily similar tracket as Bill Dow's tracket in the December 8 photo. Neat!

In more Joelly news, Joel announced the return to his native Los Angeles. Sick of traveling from dick to dick on that whistlestop tour, he can now hang his coat, put his feet up, and crank out some really terrible screenplays again. This week, he drafts a script about a loose-cannon cop and his ethnic sidekick partner on the trail of a deranged serial killer. BOX OFFICE GOLD.

(pictured above, two PA's participate in a disturbing new Hollywood trend: the worship of knockoff furniture)

1 comment:

  1. So, I'm watching Project Runway reruns, with my mouth so watery I need a bedpan for some weird reason, and it occurs to me that no one else ever comments on this site. WTF!?
