Monday, December 4, 2006

EADJ turns 2 days old!

My God. What a long strange trip it's been already. It's only been 48 hours, and we've had a staggering 6 hits already. And in that same 48 hours, who knows how many dicks have been eaten by our hero Joel.

Scientists at the American Wildlife Studies are working on a device that will be able to track Joel's dick-eating habits without disturbing his natural habitat. Of course, this device will be iPod-compatible.

In other EADJ news, we are pleased to announce our affiliation with the much-ballyhooed (RED) campaign, started by U2 frontman Bono. Proceeds of every dick that Joel eats will be converted into much-needed aid for children.

(pictured above, a tuckered out C-Ker takes a nap by the pool table between poker hands)

1 comment:

  1. As god is my witness, no child shall starve.
