Thursday, October 20, 2022

EADJ: Where Are They Now? Entry 4

Previous "Where Are They Now" segments are here, here and here.

Plum Silky walked away from a successful career as a prop comedienne to found the New York School of Finance. She and her school weren't taken seriously until her predictions about the housing bubble bursting in 2008 came true.

Ask most people how they know Zucchini Planks and they'll tell you he's the wacky zydeco musician on all those Geico commercials. What they don't know is that Planks–born Charles Plank Zuckerman–is a classically trained musician who can play 8 instruments from the clarinet to the didgeridoo and has written over 20 classical symphonies.

In 1995 police raided the Bahamas vacation home of Hexchasty Buttons and found over $13 million of cocaine under the floor boards. Since serving a 15 year sentence in prison, Hexchasty Buttons has remade her image by visiting children's hospitals and donating most of her time to helping various charities. Most young people these days only know her as a fun TikTok personality than as a convicted drug dealer.

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