Friday, August 19, 2022

Waseem Questions

I took a Lyft the other day and the driver apparently has a vanity plate. SWEET!

But this raised a few questions:

1) Assuming there's a "WASEEM1", is Waseem doing so well driving a Lyft that he now owns a SECOND car? Like he has a Waseem fleet in his driveway?

2) Or maybe he's not the only Waseem in the area and had to settle for "WASEEM2" because "WASEEM" was already taken?

3) Or maybe Waseem is such a solid guy that he chose "WASEEM2" just in case another Waseem in the area could snag a sweet "WASEEM1" vanity plate at the DMV?

4) Waseem to have run out of possibilities and don't really have a fourth question. WASEEM!

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