Monday, May 16, 2022

More Episode Summaries of Netflix's "Charlie's Colorforms City"

Season 2, Episode 1: Casey and Franklin discover crates of stolen goods in the back of Charlie's home. He bribes them some of it to keep them silent, then makes plans to move the merchandise to a safer spot.

Season 2, Episode 2: Charlie's sister and mother fly in to visit him from Vancouver, but he doesn't want to see them. He stays away and doesn't answer his phone until they give up and fly back home.

Season 2, Episode 3: Too many gambling debts forces a mob enforcer to pay Charlie a visit. After breaking his kneecaps, wrists, hip, and shoulder blades, the goon leads in a song about honoring promises.

Season 2, Episode 4: Dana and Lily discover that Charlie has been playing them both as girlfriends. Neither is willing to admit that they are the source of HPV.

Season 2, Episode 5: Charlie steals from an old folks home and justifies it by saying it was a memory care facility and no one there realizes anything's missing anyway.

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