Tuesday, February 22, 2022

InfoWars Misinformation Pre-Voo

Alex Jones and InfoWars lie. Lie big and long. Writers of InfoWars write many lies. Here are new lies:

• J-Lo invent TMZ in 2005 instead of buy mirror

• My name actually not John Jacob Jingleheimerschmidt

• If you pronounce words 'Chipotle', 'barbacoa', and 'tomatillos' correctly when ordering at Chipotle, they throw surprise party and give you giant check

• Rand Paul's hair made of Reagan's pubes

• Marjorie Taylor Greene actually Mensa-level genius. She just trolling us because she bored with knowing everything, just like Dr. Manhattan in "Watchmen".

• NFTs are just MLMs with a little TLC

•  Me hate you

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