Monday, February 14, 2022

Here Are The Shows That Are Being Removed And Added To HBO Max This Month

Periodically, HBO Max renews or cancels shows or movies based on a proprietary algorithm. Here are all the shows that will be added to HBO Max this month:

• Kangaroo Jack II: Kill 'Em All

• A Documentary About Podcasters Talking About Podcasters Talking About Podcasters

• Juggalo Gigolos

• R. Kelly Rappin' With Kids

• Honey Boo Boo Gets A Job

Here are the shows and movies that HBO Max is removing from their lineup this month:

• We Built Geocities In Real Life

• Napkin Folding

• Pretty Little Lying Shitstains

• Hufflefuck (NSFW)

• America's Got Scabies

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