Wednesday, December 22, 2021

More Fun Facts About Strawberries and Bananas That Didn't Make It On The Back of A Box of Strawberry Banana Cheerios


Here now are some fun facts about strawberries and bananas that did not make the back of the packaging:

• Strawberries are related to currants but avoid them ever since the last election.

• Organic bananas are known to stay fresh for up to 10 steps after leaving the store.

• In Chad, strawberries are given as a wedding present. I dunno. I just made that up.

• Bananas still love you, but strawberries think you've changed since high school.

• Both strawberries and Michael Stipe have regrets about the song "Shiny Happy People"

• Director James Cameron would one day like to collaborate with bananas for an epic 3D movie.

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