Friday, November 12, 2021

Today We Critique A DoorDasher's Photography

 I just got notice that some food was delivered:

The accompanying photo:

It might be a good time to examine the DoorDasher's work here:

DoorDasher "Miguel" has done something extraordinary here– he's managed to feature two main focal points(the mailbox and the food) that instead of fight each other create a harmonic balance.

Beyond the basic functional photographic proof of the food being delivered and the inclusion of my home address number, Miguel proves to be a master of composition, tension, and drama.

Aware of the "rule of thirds" in photography, Miguel has masterfully placed the Burger King bag right on the  lower third horizontal line. He's made good use of the edge of the table, creating a diagonal that points toward the mailbox to direct your eye. Also, either by design or serendipity, the vine and plant branches behind all converge back toward the DoorDash food, continuing the endless visual loop.

Grade: A+++
A masterpiece of DoorDasher photography. Perhaps its finest example yet.

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