Thursday, July 29, 2021

Meanwhile, Back at the Gaslight...

"Excuse me, miss?"


"How much longer will our food take?"

"Only another five minutes."

"I'm sorry, but you said that ten minutes ago."

"No I didn't."

"Yes, we asked you about our food at 12:10 and you said..."

"Oh, so you're spying on me mow?"


"You can't respect my privacy and are just watching me and keeping tabs on me and totally violating my rights to privacy. This is really low of you."

"I don't understand. I just wanted..."

"Oh you just WANTED. See, you're using that language again. WANT WANT WANT. It's always about you and what YOU want. You're so selfish."

"Huh? Are you serious?"

"Look. I've had a really bad day, and you're not helping by being so DEMANDING and PESTERING me constantly with all your NEEDINESS. I'm about at my breaking point and I swear to God, if you keep RIDING me about your food I'm going to... Oh. Here's your food now. Enjoy!"

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