Tuesday, November 24, 2020

More Memorable Lines From Movies I Haven't Watched

"I love you, Milk Cow. I'm sick of skimming through this relationship. Let's take this to whole."

(translated from Spanish) "You think you're so tough? Then prove yourself with a frontside boardslide into a 360ยบ ollie kickflip off that rail over there. OR DIE"

"Life has really been different since I left my Slanket in the dryer for 48 hours."

"Taste anachronistic chrome chain, you Roman motherfuckers!"

"Okay, we've seen the Eiffel Tower, the Arc de Triomphe and had a nice lunch at Les Deux Magots. Where to next, gang?"

"Okay, Hector, I've put on my bib and I'm ready for the lobster dinner, but why are you still trying to photograph boogers in my nose?"

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