Monday, October 12, 2020

More Memorable Lines From Movies I Haven't Watched

"Is that a horn in your pants?"

*shoots foot*

Anthony Hopkins: "Ah, yes... Trust is reciprocal, you see. It goes both ways... That's what the word 'reciprocal' means. I'm required to explain this because some people watching won't know it."

*shoots guy who shot his own foot*

She gets too hungry, for dinner at three
She loves Transformers but not Bumblebee
 Doesn't have Netflix but still has Qui-bi
 That's why the lady is a square 

"You just farted. Can I crack a window?"

"Before I can see you, do you have what robo-insurance do you have?"

"MORTAL KOMBAT!" (yelled by old lady)

(in Mid Atlantic accent) "I bet yer one of those fellas that say 'no' to gals all the time. Telling them they can't do this or can't do that. Well, let me tell ya buster, I'm my own woman and don't have to listen to you or any other man or woman or robot or anything that can talk to tell me what I can or can't do. You hear me? I'm going to light and smoke this cigarette right here no matter what anybody tells me!"

"What death salad dressing would you like on your death salad?"

"Oh shoot. I thought you asked me to PRESS THE BREAK. My bad."

"Enough with the cheeky double entendres. LET'S FUCK!"

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