Wednesday, September 30, 2020

This Week In Hip Hop Awfulness

Man, these LEGO sets for grown ups are getting pretty sophisticated.

Did you know Onyx was still around? They're not.

"Parental Advisory: Explicit Content". Just in case the cartoon ho's (at a piano?) and the bloody cartoon corpses in trash bags didn't tip you off.

This reminded me to order some more postage stamps.

The man behind all the hits you never heard of. Nice to finally be recognized.

Designer vinyl figures are all the rage. This one goes for the price of your house.

If nothing but a rapper's chains are on the album cover, it's pretty much a guarantee that every song on there is gonna be about that guy's gold.

Wait! No, not the vintage camcorder!

My new backsplash.

Yeah, I bet he'd float, no problem.

I like this, mainly because it's actually painted and not a lazy Photoshop. Yeah, I know that's a low bar.

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