Friday, July 31, 2020

New EADJ Segment: Let's Dunk On Crap For Sale On Wish

 Sometimes Wish doesn't post a description for any of their crap merchandise on Facebook carousels, so we took it upon ourselves to add our own captions:

Is Grandma peeing too much? Cut her off with this handy bladder tourniquet. $3 for a set of two, so you can immobilize your older aunt, too.

Believe it or not, this tiny chip has every last Commodore 64 game save from a junior high class in Abilene Texas from 1985. UNBELIEVABLE! You can play Maniac Mansion again!

Spy on your nosy neighbors with these inconspicuous night vision goggles. And maybe see Gail's nipples if you're lucky.

These lifelike disembodied legs will look great... somewhere. Where would someone put these? I can't think of anyplace that wouldn't be creepy. Especially at home. Never mind. You're gross.

Now available: a 3-volume set chronicling every dumb thing you did in high school! It's all here, like sitting-down-with-people-way-cooler-than-you, your-voice-cracking-while-asking-to-go-to-the-bathroom, and an entire volume alone about your stupid exploits in homeroom! Gold!

If this segment is received well, look out for future installments of LDOCFSOW!

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