Thursday, June 18, 2020

Even More Dialogue From Movies I Haven't Seen


"We did it! We beat the grown-ups at their own game! We can finally DRIVE AT THE AGE OF 15!!!!"

(mumbled tough guy line in a grizzled cockney accent)

"FUCK yeah! Merry fucking Christmas, everybody!"

"Now where is it... Oh, I see it! There's my antiperspirant made for women!"

"Okay, back it up a little... now cut it... no, cut it to the left. The left... now straighten it out and go forward a little.... straighten it... Stop. Now back it up again but cut it the other way, hard... "

(can't understand anything because the audio recording is so bad)

"I SAID I WANTED A PS5, NOT A PS4!" (plunges knife into Santa)

"You and I are not so different, you and I."

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