Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Monday, June 29, 2020

Lookie: Some More Available But Admittedly Terrible Porn Names

There you are. We're almost ready for you on set. Did you manage to get something to eat from craft service? Great. Okay, so before we begin rolling, we'll need you to sign some forms and get over to make-up. Oh, also we're going to need you to pick a porn name–you know, something to run on the credits. If you don't have one picked yet, we do have some spare porn names lying around. But be warned, they're not so great LOL. Here, take your pick, and we'll see you on set in an hour!


Colin Oscopy

Manny Fist Destiny

Sid & Marty Krotch

Talcum X

Twink Fartingdale

Al Coholic


Furry Elise

Dana Swamp

Frieda Slaves

Gretchen Kegel Quiffburgers

Anka Skanka

Sojourner Tits

Thursday, June 25, 2020

EADJ Has Finally Narrowed Down The Possible Answers To The Question "Who Put the Bomp (in the Bomp, Bomp, Bomp)" From The 1961 Song

After decades of expensive research and on-site interviews, EADJ has narrowed the list of suspects from Barry Mann's one hit doo-wop song "Who Put the Bomp (in the Bomp, Bomp, Bomp)" where he wonders aloud who wrote the song that made his baby fall in love with him.

We've narrowed it down to 8 suspects:

1) a 48 year old Richard Nixon

2) Casey Kasem

3) a railroad hopping hobo

4) Jesus of Nazareth

5) Italian horror filmmakers Mario Bava, Riccardo Freda, and Antonio Margheriti

6) 1960 Summer Olympics Sailing Gold medalist David Smith

7) D.B. Cooper

8) in the song they say it's a man, but it could've been Julia Child

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

A Message From Fiverr Creator Barbershopjohn:

click to play:

You can contact and hire Barbershopjohn here.

Monday, June 22, 2020

Friday, June 19, 2020

Thursday, June 18, 2020

Even More Dialogue From Movies I Haven't Seen


"We did it! We beat the grown-ups at their own game! We can finally DRIVE AT THE AGE OF 15!!!!"

(mumbled tough guy line in a grizzled cockney accent)

"FUCK yeah! Merry fucking Christmas, everybody!"

"Now where is it... Oh, I see it! There's my antiperspirant made for women!"

"Okay, back it up a little... now cut it... no, cut it to the left. The left... now straighten it out and go forward a little.... straighten it... Stop. Now back it up again but cut it the other way, hard... "

(can't understand anything because the audio recording is so bad)

"I SAID I WANTED A PS5, NOT A PS4!" (plunges knife into Santa)

"You and I are not so different, you and I."