Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Hey, Bladder Medication Users!

Hello there! I just wanted to give a shout out to all bladder medication users. Not that I have anything to sell or promote to them (isn't it nice not to be advertised to for once?). And not that I myself am taking any medication for my bladder. I just wanted to say hello to all of you, a specific group of people for no reason. Wassup?

We actually don't have to talk about your respective bladders. Although I imagine since all of you have that in common, it would make for a pretty lively discussion, amirite? Ha ha. But yeah, sometimes it isn't a laughing matter and some bladder issues are pretty serious. Sometimes fatal. Okay, I'm sorry I brought it up.

So what are we left to talk about if not bladder medications or living with bladder issues? Certainly not politics, jeez. Stay far away from that minefield. 

Okay, good talk, bladder medication peeps. Catch you all on the flip side!

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