Monday, December 2, 2019

10 Comments About the Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge Smuggler's Run Pass for Disneyland

1) Are you sure you want a pre-tween girl captaining this thing?

2) Especially when jumping to lightspeed, should be at the controls like that?

3) I mean, I know the navicomputer (which the older brother probably operated) calculated the safest route for a jump to lightspeed, but still, putting an 8 year old there is pretty unsafe, right?

4) Where are they going in such a hurry? And why are they so thrilled about it?

5) What kind of parents are these that drag their children into a life of smuggling?

6) Will the Dad refuse to ask for directions if they get lost?

7) Who farted?

8) Or is that the smell of Wookiee?

9) Do they realize the Hosnian system has been destroyed by the First Order's Starkiller base station? RIP

10) Will Disney send this blog a cease and desist order?

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