Wednesday, October 23, 2019

This Week In Hip Hop Awfulness

See what happens when you compliment DDG on his "cute outfit"?

She looks bored but good. Keep as is.

There's baked, and then there's papier-mâché baked.

Leave that mask on, Don. Maybe it'll give your eyelids a chance to catch up to the tan on the rest of your face.


The album cover for "I Feel Like Dirt". Gee, I wonder what their second thought idea was.

Ain't no shame in a pizza delivery job. Spider-Man did it.

Iggy Azalea would like you to think she's some kind of Disney Princess. Which is sort of accurate when it comes to cultural appropriation.

Crime, conspicuous consumption and pride. But do rappers really want to associate themselves with the president's resort?

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