Friday, August 30, 2019

Yet More Things That Are Cuter Than Ariana Grande

All previous entries here.

It isn't enough for ubiquitous popstar Ariana Grande to dominate the charts and radio playlists; she also would like the world to recognize her as the cutest thing EVAR. We at this humble blog respectfully disagree with Ms. Grande, offering the following list of things that are objectively cuter:

• Pony saddles
• Those little white shoes that the animated M&Ms wear.
• The way dogs wolf down cupcakes
• That red cement ball in front of Target that kids love to climb on and that old people bump their hip against
• The German word for little bear: Bärchen
• The Mars Attacks! flying saucers
• Stuffing apples into your sleeves so it looks like you have biceps
• Squirtle

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