Monday, February 25, 2019

This Week In Hip Hop Mixtapes


I like my Lil West sealed fresh from the studio.

Trippin' at the custom vinyl store.

I can't tell if this is supposed to be funny or sad. Maybe both? Or hopeful?

"Oh, a Carvel ice cream cake sounds gooooood right about now..."


Finally, an anti-gun rap cover. But maybe it's so PRO-gun that it's anti-gun now?

Obama parodies will live on forever, way past Shepard Fairey and the rest of us.

This is neat. I wonder if the album sounds like a toy commercial for girls.

When rap and pro wrestling mash up, which one is considered high brow? Also, where are their ears?

Must... resist... Arrested Development reference...

Perfect. No change. Let's hear this!

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