Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Here Are Your Timesheets For the First Week of August


From: GHordwick
To: Office_All

Greetings, Earthlings! This is Gavin from IT, reminding you office drones to submit thy thymesheets by Friday of this week in order for our billing cycle to continue healthily, which ultimately results in each of you respectively getting paid! The importance of this task is utmost, so please find your job number below and use it when logging in your hours! Excelsior!

Your job numbers below:

483777: Putting the bomp in the bomp ba bomb bah bomp

880903: Dabbing at the end of a Skype call

339776: Not reporting Carl to HR, but warning HR that you will report Carl if they don't do something about him

001825: Folding your pay stub into a crane

592551: Praying for a fire drill to break up the monotony

803522: "Giving the nickel tour" or "showing the ropes" to the new hire who will replace you

303196: Smoking sess in the stairwell

700742: Collapsing the browser window with LinkedIn on it

588512: Unhappily answering the phones because Donna's on break

626009: Shitting your pants on purpose because what the hell

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