Friday, June 15, 2018

New EADJ Segment: Creators Explain

As a public service, EADJ would like to share our spotlight with those who don't have quite the massive audience we do. All summer, we will be featuring the creator of a beach toy and ask them to explain it and the inspiration behind it.

This week: Hurley Turwell, the inventor of Spyderball.

HT: Spyderball, man. It's like volleyball meets handball meets "Top Gun", man! Instead of a volleyball net, you got this crazy beach trampoline, and you gotta bounce it off the trampoline to score over the other team. The ball is smaller than a kickball, so you can grip it and really whale on the other team, man!

EADJ: Why do you call it Spyderball?

HT: Because the trampoline is sort of like a web, and you gotta really keep your eye on the ball, so you gotta SPY it, get it? 

EADJ: Are you on drugs right now?

HT: No way, man! I'm natural! You wanna play a few rounds of Spyderball?

EADJ: No, we're good.

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