Say you ran away from home to make it big in Hollywood, but the only roles available involve mashing your face into someone's genitals on camera for money. Jackpot! You've just become a porn star! But every porn star needs to have a memorable name. Here at EADJ we've collected a few terrible porn names that no self-respecting (ha!) actor or actress would want to use. So feel free to scoop any of these up for yourself, you rising young pornstar!
Teri Yaki
Alexa Turnoffmyporn
L'Shana Tova
Greta Personality
Rae Dong Chomp
Kim Chee
Fucker Carlson
Brock Livesmatter
Terry Yaki
Ben Ghazi
Cumelo Anthony
Coitus Andronicus
I found this because it was the only Google result for "coitus andronicus"