Wednesday, August 16, 2017

New EADJ Segment: What Happened Next

This spring-themed set of stickers that came with an April issue of Children's Highlights Magazine looks happy and innocent enough, but EADJ dug deeper and discovered what happened next after these stickers were produced.

Ladybug Couple: a few weeks after these two got together, the female ladybug gave birth to a litter of what looked like half ladybug/half termite larvae. The male ladybug was so distraught with her infidelity, he pulled a one night stand with a praying mantis.

Cool Frog: drunk from a very strong mojito, the frog didn't realize that his inner tube had caught a riptide and had drifted to a shark-infested area. His surviving family wondered why a frog would choose to venture out into saltwater. "I guess his drinking problem got the better of him," his sister said at the wake.

Skating Lizard: This lizard's radical skate tricks caught the attention of the Sobe Energy Drink Company, and they promptly asked him to be a spokesperson for their Offshore Breeze flavor. This minor fame, however, caused him great grief with family members who suddenly started claiming he owed them money.

He hasn't spoken to his siblings for 3 years since.

Ant Picnic: Not long after this ant scene was published on a sticker, authorities wanted to know who could bake such a small sized muffin. The two ants refused to answer, but later claimed the muffin was a one-of-a-kind prop for the photoshoot. Unfortunately, the authorities did not believe them and launched a full investigation into the ants' business dealings. The ants lawyered up and fought the investigation but were ultimately found to be both delinquent in taxes and in failure to report that underage ants were manufacturing tiny red sneakers with socks.

The ants also refused to answer why they only had four legs.

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